Political Advocacy Toolkit

Political Advocacy Toolkit: A guide to advocating to government in Canada (photo 6 people with disabilities by Chona Kasinger)

For people with disabilities, families and caregivers

The Political Advocacy Toolkit is a guide for people with disabilities and their families and caregivers. It is designed to help you build your skills to advocate with government in Canada. 

Whether you want some help advocating on an issue impacting you personally, or an issue that affects the disability community, this toolkit will give you some helpful tips and resources to become the best advocate you can be. 

At March of Dimes Canada, we recognize that living with a disability means advocating every day. Whether you choose to or not, you likely act as a self advocate regularly. There is plenty we can learn from you about being an amazing advocate. If you’d like to share any feedback about this toolkit, or ideas for future resources, please contact us at advocacy@marchofdimes.ca. 

Using this toolkit

There is no right or wrong way to use this toolkit. There’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all advocacy, so you don’t need to read it in order. It’s designed to be used in whatever order makes the most sense for you, and you can pick and choose which parts are most useful and applicable to you.

If you’re not sure where to start, start here on the main page and see what you find most interesting. 

If you’re looking for practical tools that you can use, the Political Advocacy Toolkit templates and resources are designed to be taken and repurposed for your own advocacy goals.

Or, take it step-by-step and start right here, at the beginning, and click the “Next” button on each page to move through the content. 


Next: Part 1: Government in Canada  (Section 2 of 22)

We are committed to making our content as accessible as possible for all users. If you have suggestions or comments on how we can improve the accessibility of the Political Advocacy Toolkit content, please contact us by filling out our feedback form or emailing us at advocacy@marchofdimes.ca