Wade Hampton House

Wade Hampton House

Wade Hampton House

Wade Hampton House in Sudbury is a community-based setting that offers 24-hour support to individuals who have experienced a moderate to severe brain injury. Our staff members work together with residents to engage them in both their personal care and on-going rehabilitation goals. Services help clients regain skills and pursue areas of daily living that are meaningful to them, while focusing on maximizing community integration and independence.

For housing or service inquiries, please contact:

Mallory Sheffield
Community Services Resource Worker
Phone: 705-671-3188 ext 221
Email: msheffield@marchofdimes.ca

This project is the culmination of a partnership with Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation, FedNor, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, North East Local Health Integration Network Funding comes from eight different sources, including:
  • March of Dimes Canada Non-Profit Housing Corporation (NPHC)
  • Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC)
  • Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
  • FedNor
  • North East Local Health Integration Network
  • Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
  • Bishop Alexander Carter Foundation    

In 2016, we launched the Moving-a-Head Campaign to fund the expansion of Wade Hampton House to meet the growing need for services for acquired brain injuries in Northern Ontario. A second residence was built to accommodate twelve more people with brain injury and reduce the long waiting list of members in the community that are searching for necessary accommodations. Supporters included:
  • BNI Ontario Central North
  • Golder Associates
  • LMV Holdings Inc.
  • Lougheed Foundation
  • Minnow Lake Lions Club
  • OCP Construction Supplies
  • Ontario Realtors Care Foundation
  • Rotary Club of Sudbury Sunrise
  • Sudbury Credit Union
  • Valley East Lions Club
  • Vipond Fire Protection

Donate now to Sudbury Capital Campaign Click here to donate to the Wade Hampton House through CanadaHelps website.