Ronald G Chisholm

I am Ronald G. Chisholm and I am a Polio survivor. I contracted Infantile Paralysis on my first day of school in Sept. 1941. It left me with a crippled left leg. In 1949 I was operated on in Victoria Hospital in London, Ontario where they lengthened my Achilles tendon and moved some of the muscles in my foot around so that I could walk on my whole foot. Prior to that, only my toes contacted the ground. In the last few years my left leg has atrophied to the extent that I now must wear a leg brace to counteract foot drop. My leg now looks like skin pulled over the lower leg. I’m am also experiencing severe leg cramps in my bad leg. I am wondering if there is a Post Polio support group in Fredericton, NB or nearby. I have searched the Web and provided my Dr. with any info I have found. He was not born when Polio was eradicated in Canada. I would like to receive any information you might have – also your newsletter.

I was born in September 1935.
Thanking you in advance, I remain
Yours sincerely,

Ronald G. Chisholm
Noonan, NB