Changemaker Award for Lifetime Achievement

The Changemaker Award for Lifetime Achievement celebrates the collective contributions of an individual Changemaker toward championing equity, empowering ability, and supporting people with disabilities to live and thrive in communities nationwide. 

This special award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated meritorious service and long-term commitment to MODC and its purpose, vision, and mission, making high-impact contributions to service delivery, advocacy and/or volunteer leadership. 

Eligibility Criteria 

  • Canadian resident, 18+ 
  • 15+ years of service/involvement with MODC 
  • Demonstrated, exceptional long-term impact in service delivery, advocacy and/or volunteer leadership 

2024 Nominations are now closed.

Nomination deadline: Friday, August 9, 2024 at 4 pm ET

Changemaker Award for Lifetime Achievement Past Winners

Congratulations to
the Changemaker Award for Lifetime Achievement winners. All the winners were celebrated at MODC’s annual signature gala, The Changemakers Supper Club, held in Toronto. 

2023 Changemaker Award for Lifetime Achievement Winner – Dan Purcell

Dan Purcell
A stroke survivor, Dan Purcell has volunteered with March of Dimes Canada in the Kitchener-Waterloo area for 23 years, working tirelessly to provide support to stroke survivors as a hospital peer visitor and as a founding member and chair of his local MODC stroke recovery chapter. Through his efforts, he has fostered a strong sense of community among local stroke survivors, built capacity and championed public funding for improved supports. Known for his positive energy and ‘above and beyond’ approach, Dan’s unwavering commitment to improving the lives of stroke survivors merits this special recognition.


2022 Changemaker Award for Lifetime Achievement Winner – Elizabeth Lounsbury

Elizabeth Lounsbury
Elizabeth Lounsbury first connected with March of Dimes Canada in 1983. As a polio survivor living with post-polio syndrome, she has advocated passionately for people with disabilities. Her wide-ranging work with MODC — from our Board of Directors and Government Relations team to Employment Services, Recreation, and fundraising — as well as her 11 years as Chair of Sudbury Post-Polio Chapter, have created meaningful change across Canada. Elizabeth’s leadership, dedication, and commitment is truly remarkable.