Jonas Salk Award

June 14, 2019

Press Releases
For Immediate Release: Professor and researcher Dr. Denis Richard is the latest recipient of March of Dimes Canada’s Jonas Salk Award​.

Worth $10,000, the award honours a Canadian scientist, physician, or researcher who has made a new and outstanding contribution in science or medicine to prevent, alleviate, or eliminate a physical disability. Dr. Richard is being recognized for his extensive research into obesity.

“Obesity is indeed a major debilitating chronic condition leading to serious and costly medical disorders that include cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, bone and joint diseases, several cancers and cognitive or brain deficits,” said Dr. Richard.

Dr. Richard has published over 300 peer-reviewed articles, and had his papers cited almost 16,000 times. He has also served as director of two outstanding Canadian research centres, and is a full-time professor at the Faculty of Medicine at Université Laval, where he’s mentored many students. 

“I would like to salute all the people who have accompanied me in my academic career,” Dr. Richard added. “Being nominated for the Jonas Salk Award would not have been possible without the inspiration that I have received from my mentors, colleagues, students, postdoctoral fellows, and lab professionals, for whom I have the deepest respect.”

Dr. Richard embodies leadership, innovative thinking, and support for community outreach. He is relentless and passionate, and his work has the potential to positively impact people living with disabilities, and countless other Canadians.
Congratulations to Dr. Richard on receiving March of Dimes Canada’s Jonas Salk Award.


Tina Siegel, PR and Media Coordinator
March of Dimes Canada 
416.425.3463 ext. 7258​