Kick off 2019 by joining us in celebrating March of Dimes Canada Month!

January 11, 2019

Community Canvass Campaign

January is March of Dimes Canada Month

Happy 2019!
We're starting the new year off with March of Dimes Canada Month, which is our chance to celebrate all the great work we do here at MODC. 

It's also the start of our annual Community Canvass Campaign. Volunteers are already canvassing door-to-door and online to raise money for our After Stroke programs and services, which provide crucial support to stroke survivors and caregivers. 

Over 50,000 Canadians have a stroke each year, and that number will grow as our population ages. That's why we've set the ambitious goal of raising $300,000 this year. Help us meet that goal, and celebrate March of Dimes Canada Month, by signing up as an online canvasser at

It's the perfect start to a new year!​