Complaint Resolution Policy

Your opinion is important to us. It helps us learn, grow and improve. We welcome your feedback, but we also want to hear your concerns and complaints. 

At March of Dimes Canada, we take pride in providing high-quality programs and services for people with disabilities. Please rest assured that all complaints are confidential and that we see this as part of our continuous improvement process. 

How to make a complaint

If we’ve failed to meet your expectations, please let us know. What happened? How could the situation have been handled differently? What can we do to resolve the issue and/or repair our relationship with you?

There are many ways to make a complaint. You can choose one of the following methods:
  • Speak directly to a March of Dimes Canada staff member or volunteer and they will assist you in bringing your complaint forward   

  • You can email us at

  • You can phone us at:
    416-425-3463 ext. 7430 
    or toll-free at 1-800-263-3463 ext. 7430

  • You can send a letter to: 
(* Note that our mailing address has changed)

March of Dimes Canada Head Office

202-885 Don Mills Rd. 
Toronto, ON M3C 1V9
  • You can complete this online form:

Complaints Form
*denotes required fields






Would you like a response from us?*

If yes, please enter your preferred method of communication?


Our process for handling a complaint

We have a formal, internal process that all employees must follow when a complaint is received.
  • We will contact you within two business days to make sure you know we’ve received your complaint. We have a commitment to make every reasonable effort to resolve the matter within an additional five business days.
  • We will make sure your complaint remains confidential. 
  • The complaint will be reviewed by the most appropriate person and they will contact you. 
  • If a resolution is not found, you will be directed to the next level of management to hear and review your concern.
  • Complaints of a legal matter will be brought to the attention of the most appropriate vice president or to the president and CEO

Our external appeals process

If you were unable to find resolution within our internal appeals process, you may be able to bring your concern forward to an external review committee. If you are eligible to access the external appeals process, you will be advised by a member of March of Dimes Canada’s senior leadership team.

The review is conducted by a trained external committee panel of volunteers. 

Home Care and Community Services Act Appeals

Stakeholders who are in programs operating under the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Appeal and Review Boards Act, 1998 have the right under the Act to appeal the termination of services to the Health Services Appeal and Review Board (HSARB). This must be put in writing when services are terminated.

If a stakeholder decides to appeal under the Home Care and Community Services Act, 1994, they must write to the Health Services Appeal and Review Board that they wish to appeal. This must be done within 30 days of receiving a decision for appeal within the Home Care and Community Services Act, 1994. Stakeholders should include in their correspondence information about why they believe a decision was wrong, and include a copy of the decision.

If the stakeholder wants to appeal a decision but needs more time, they must write to the Board and ask for an extension of the 30-day time limit for making an appeal. Stakeholders must tell the Board the reasons why they are asking for an extension of the time limit.

Documents can be made available in alternative formats and/or with communication supports upon request. Please contact to let us know your needs. We will work with you to provide the information in a way that is accessible for you in a timely manner.