Volunteering at ACDP

Volunteers in the Aphasia and Communication Disabilities program have varied interests, ages, personal styles, occupations and ethnic background

Why Volunteer?

Some reasons for volunteering include:
  • To help others
  • Give back to the community
  • Develop new skills
  • Reach educational goals
  • Gain professional experience

Volunteers participate weekly in discussion groups and skill sessions with adults with aphasia and related communication disabilities.

Our volunteers work in collaboration with Speech-Language Pathologists and Communicative Disorders Assistants.

Volunteers provide our clients with the opportunity to have meaningful adult conversations. In other words, volunteers provide “communicative access” for our clients.

ACDP Volunteer Brochure (PDF)



“What I appreciate about the Aphasia and Communication Disabilities Program is the recognition of the vital roles volunteers play in the agency, they are partners trained to help our clients improve communication. As long as this continues, these programs will succeed.”
- Diana Bullock, ACDP Volunteer 

"This clinical exposure has vastly expanded my knowledge and appreciation of the speech therapy profession, and reinforced my commitment to pursue a career in speech language pathology."
- Serg Fazylau, ACDP Volunteer

"Volunteering at ACDP solidified my desire to enroll in the CDA program and, I believe, was a strongly contributing factor in my acceptance to the program."
- Kim Cummings, ACDP Volunteer

"Volunteers for this program are treated with the utmost respect. Each volunteer is given a chance to lead group sessions, if they choose, and are encouraged to use their talents and skills to enhance the discussions and activities for the clients."
- Colleen Brown, ACDP Volunteer

“My volunteer experience was one worth taking; it taught me about myself and what I needed to do to make those around me more comfortable. Most importantly it showed me that happiness is truly what you make of it, and the clients at (ACDP) prove that. There is always a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen, a voice to give advice, and someone who understands. I am truly blessed to have had such an experience.”
- ACDP Volunteer

"Regardless of your reason for volunteering, ACDP works towards bettering the lives of people on a daily basis - not just the lives of clients, but also the lives of volunteers like you!” 
- ​Saniya Dang, ACDP Volunteer

Smiling ACDP Volunteers
Volunteers are an integral part of 
making things happen at our programs!​


How to Apply

  • Call or email us to set-up a telephone interview
  • Visit one of our programs for a day to determine if the volunteer position is right for you
  • Complete the volunteer application package
  • Attend a volunteer orientation and training session 

Some Typical Volunteer Roles Might Include:

​Communication Facilitators: Volunteers are trained by SLPs and CDAs to use a variety of supportive communication strategies, so clients have “equal opportunity” to participate in discussion groups. Volunteers use their unique talents and hobbies to develop skill sessions for clients, in an “aphasia friendly”, adult learning format.

Life History Communication Book Developers: Volunteers use supportive communication strategies to develop personalized communication books in collaboration with clients and their families. This enables clients to share their life experience through photographs and stories in an “aphasia-friendly” format

Technology Volunteers: Volunteers help clients learn the basics as well as how to use technology (computers, tablets, cell phones and apps) to communicate more effectively.

Cognitive Communication Disorders (CCD) Group Volunteers: Volunteers are trained to facilitate social conversation and problem solving activities, encouraging clients to share their weekly triumphs and challenges as well as developing skills in mindfulness and reflection.

SLP/CDA Administrative Volunteers: Volunteers help SLP and CDA staff with administrative tasks and file maintenance related to the program, and learn about the ISO (International Standards Organization) and CASLPO (College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario) standards.

Office Volunteers: Volunteers help with administrative tasks in our main office.

Social Work Volunteers: Volunteers assist the ACDP Social Worker with providing support to caregivers and families of ACDP clients.

Special Events Volunteers: Volunteers assist clients and staff with awareness and fundraising events, displays at conferences and fairs in the community, Aphasia Camps and Retreats, Living with Stroke and Aphasia sessions, and workshops.

Aphasia and Communications Disabilities class session Aphasia and Communications Disability Volunteer helping client

Current Volunteer Positions

While we are fortunate to have the support of many dedicated volunteers, we are always looking to add to our team.

If you are interested in learning more about volunteer opportunities with Aphasia and Communication Disabilities, please view MODC's current volunteer opportunities.