March of Dimes Canada Secures $98,000 in Funding from Government of PEI to Empower Stroke Survivors

May 13, 2024

"After Stroke - PEI Funding Renewed" - Three laughing older women hugging each other

​Government of PEI Strengthens Support and Dignity for Stroke Survivors Across the Province.

CHARLOTTETOWN, PEI — March of Dimes Canada (MODC) is pleased to announce renewed provincial funding from Prince Edward Island in MODC’s After Stroke program. The one-year, $98,000 investment in will continue to give Islanders access to the national, personalized recovery program that helps survivors and their families navigate the path forward after a stroke.

This investment in After Stroke will enable March of Dimes Canada to build on previous provincial investments in the Island Stroke Support Network to: 
  • Develop and deliver peer support opportunities, both one-on-one and in group settings.  
  • Train and empower people with disabilities on how to use common communication tools and accessibility features on their device. 
  • Provide in-hospital connections for new stroke survivors with volunteers (who are stroke survivors or caregivers themselves), for emotional support, education, and resources. 
  • Deliver the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Living Life to the Full™ program, led by dedicated trained facilitators and customized for stroke survivors and caregivers. 

“We’ve seen the difference that March of Dimes Canada’s After Stroke program has made in supporting both stroke survivors and their families. Our department is pleased to continue to support this program,” said Mark McLane, Minister of Health and Wellness. “The supports offered through this program will continue to change Islanders’ lives for the better. The new addition of the Canadian Mental Health Association program, customized for stroke survivors, will build on this positive impact and improve quality of life for both stroke survivors and their families.”

"Thanks to this generous funding, our peer support programs will continue to have a lasting impact for stroke survivors in PEI,” says Len Baker, President and CEO, March of Dimes Canada. “This investment supports our mission of empowering people with disabilities to live and thrive in Island communities.”

Peer support can make a big difference to those experiencing social isolation, loneliness, and loss of connection in their community because of a disability or chronic condition, including the after-effects of stroke.

“Islanders who have participated in After Stroke have told us they feel safer, more empowered, more connected to others and their communities, and more equipped to take on activities of daily life.” says Rebecca Bourbonnais, March of Dimes Canada’s Regional Director, Community Support Services. “We thank the Government of PEI for this renewal of funding and for enabling us to expand the program to include more mental health supports. We look forward to our renewed partnership with the government, to continue to support those recovering from stroke to live well in their communities.”


Media Inquiries:  
Rebecca Bourbonnais
Regional Director, Community Support Services
March of Dimes Canada 

Morgan Martin (she/her) 
Senior Communications Officer  
Department of Health & Wellness  
Government of Prince Edward Island 

About March of Dimes Canada  
March of Dimes Canada is a leading national charity committed to championing equity, empowering ability, and creating real change that will help people with disabilities across the country unlock the richness of their lives. We’re paving the way for people with disabilities to experience full and meaningful lives in an inclusive world. We hope you’ll join us. 

About Stroke in Canada 
Stroke is a leading cause of disability in Canada[1] and predominantly affects older people, with about 10 per cent of adults aged 65 years and older having experienced a stroke.[2] As a result, these seniors lie at the intersection of being a senior and having a disability, often with the compounded barriers faced by both groups.  
[1] Stroke in Canada”, Government of Canada. (Stroke in Canada – 
[2] “Stroke in Canada”, Highlights from the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System, (stroke-vasculaires-canada-eng.pdf

About March of Dimes Canada’s After Stroke Program 
March of Dimes Canada supports stroke survivors and their families through programs like After Stroke, in-home community-based care, and more. After providing after stroke services for two decades, March of Dimes Canada established After Stroke in 2021 to fill gaps in the system and give those affected by stroke a seamless transition from hospital to home and beyond. By offering support tailored to each individual, the program helps people impacted by stroke to establish a much-needed sense of connection, and equips them with mentorship, tools, and resources needed to resume their lives and re-engage with the people, places, and activities in their communities they love and value. The benefits of peer support are documented in academic literature and included in Stroke Best Practice Recommendations. For more information about After Stroke, please visit