modcdev > March of Dimes Canada > Programs and Services > Alternative Communication Services
Women in an Aphasia Camp activity
Communication is one of the most basic ways we have of participating in our communities. Aphasia and other communication disorders can make that difficult. This is where MODC’s Alternative Communication Services come in. 

Community Aphasia Program

  • Weekly group communication program for adults with acquired communication disabilities living in York, Durham, and Peterborough regions. 

Cognitive Communication Disorders Program

  • Weekly group communication program for adults with acquired Cognitive Communication Disorders (CCD) living in York, Durham, and Peterborough regions. 

Aphasia-Friendly Peer Support Group

  • Weekly group social program for adults with acquired communication disabilities living anywhere in Canada.
  • In addition to support from your local Community Aphasia Program.
  • For people without access to a local Community Aphasia Program.

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Aphasia and Communication Disabilities Program (ACDP)

ACDP Program Information
Eligibility & Referrals
Training Workshops