September 21, 2023
Province provides generous $105K grant to launch After Stroke program
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March of Dimes Canada (MODC) is proud to announce the launch of their lifechanging After Stroke program in Newfoundland and Labrador.
After a successful, eight-month pilot, the program is now available to stroke survivors, families, and caregivers for one year. After Stroke improves support for people impacted by stroke with a comprehensive, personalized recovery program that facilitates a seamless transition from hospital to home.
“We demonstrated After Stroke’s enormous impact, and now we have the opportunity to reach more people in Newfoundland and Labrador,” said Len Baker, President and CEO of March of Dimes Canada. “Thanks to this grant from the provincial government, more stroke survivors, families, and caregivers across the province will get the support they need to thrive after stroke.”
“Newfoundlanders and Labradorians have some of the highest rates of stroke in the country and we acknowledge the valuable need for better stroke care in Newfoundland and Labrador,” said Minister of Health and Community Services, the Honourable Tom Osborne. “This funding will provide skills and resources to stroke survivors and family members and caregivers to support community reintegration and improve patient outcomes.”
The launch was celebrated with an event highlighting the need for, and success of, After Stroke in Newfoundland and Labrador. Len Baker and the Honourable Tom Osborne, Minister of Health and Community Services, both spoke. People who benefited from the After Stroke pilot program were also there to share their stories of stroke recovery.
“At MODC, we understand the impact of stroke,” Baker added. “We know it touches not only the stroke survivor, but their loved ones, too, and we’re proud to partner with the government of Newfoundland and Labrador to expand this crucial program in the province.”
Find out more about After Stroke, and how to access local support, at [].
Media Inquiries:
Tina Siegel
Communications Specialist, March of Dimes Canada
March of Dimes Canada is a leading national charity committed to championing equity, empowering ability, and creating real change that will help the more than 6 million people living with disabilities across the country unlock the richness of their lives. As a leading service provider, resource, and advocate, we’re paving the way for people living with disabilities to experience full and meaningful lives in an inclusive world.