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Get Involved

  • Build a Legacy
    Build a Legacy - Give Legacy Gifts - Through a planned gift to March of Dimes Canada, you can leave your own mark and change lives for children and adults with physical disabilities.
  • Hands held high icon
    Campaigns - Get involved in one of our campaigns – you’ll be giving back to the community in a concrete, practical way.
  • Corporate and Foundation Partners
    Corporate and Foundation Partners - We extend our deepest gratitude to all our corporate and foundation partners for making a difference in the lives of children and adults with disabilities.
  • Corporate Gift Matching
    Corporate Employee Gift Matching - Make use of the corporate gift matching program offered by your place of work, and your gift to March of Dimes Canada can be doubled!
  • Corporate Giving
    Corporate Giving - When you partner with March of Dimes Canada you are aligning yourself with a national organization that for over 68 years, has improved the lives of Canadians living with disabilities.
  • Donate a Car
    Donate a Car - By donating your used vehicle, you can feel good about making an environmentally good choice, helping people with disabilities, and saving money on your tax return!
  • Donation Accountability
    Donation Accountability - March of Dimes Canada's financial accountability and how your donations are making a difference.
  • Donor Recognition
    Donor Recognition - Thank you to our donors for making a difference in so many people's lives.
  • Endowment Funds
    Endowment Funds - Endowment funds ensure that life changing programs have a continuous and secure source of funding because only the interest earned on the capital is spent.
  • Financial Accountability icon
    Financial Accountability - Find out where your money goes and be confident that every dollar is being spent as responsibly and effectively as possible.
  • Gift of Securities
    Gift of Securities - Give a gift of publicly traded securities to March of Dimes Canada and eliminate the capital gains tax.
  • Dr. Sydney Gershon
    In Tribute / In Memory Giving - Give a meaningful gift for a special occasion, mark a milestone event or honour someone's memory.
  • Monthly Giving
    Monthly Giving - Become a Monthly Donor today!
  • Shaking hands icon
    Partners and Supporters - We couldn’t do what we do without donors, companies, organizations and foundations who are as committed to inclusion and accessibility as we are.
  • Personal Donations
    Personal Donations - When you donate to MODC, you’re joining thousands of other supporters to amplify the impact of each gift.
  • Personal Story
    Personal Story - March of Dimes Canada makes a difference in the lives of thousands of people every year. Read what they have to say about MODC.
  • Signing document icon
    Planned Giving - Make March of Dimes Canada part of your Legacy.
  • Pop Tabs
    Pop Tabs - MODC collects aluminum pop tabs year-round to recycle, generating renvue to support our community program​s.
  • Tax
    Tax Receipting - March of Dimes Canada is a registered charity and will issue tax receipts for donations of $20 or more.
  • United Way
    United Way Partners - March of Dimes Canada has partnerships with 14 United Ways across Ontario and one in British Columbia, that share the vision of improving people's quality of life and inc​reasing their independence and capacity to contribute to the community.
  • Volunteering - hands up
    Volunteering - Dedicated volunteers have helped March of Dimes Canada to become a national leader in the provision of programs and services for people with disabilities.