Harvey Buckmaster

1. How old were you when you contracted polio?
6 years old.

2. Was it paralytic polio? If so, did you have any permanent effects?
He was paralyzed on the right hand side by the time they got him to the hospital. He does not have any paralysis now. There are no permanent effects. The paralysis went away with treatment at the hospital. He could not see his parents because he was infected. He could only see them from the hospital window.

3. When were you diagnosed with post-polio syndrome?
Have not been diagnosed with post polio but is having some trouble with his arms and his legs.

4. What do you want people to know about post-polio syndrome?
Would like to find out more information about post polio syndrome. Polio was one of the worst sicknesses that have ever come out. He has a hard time watching when people are trying to walk again because it reminds him of what happened to him. He would have 18 needles a day given to him and could not have needles after that. The first signs that Harvey had Polio were a severe headache and could not move his neck.