Marie Therese Sarrasin

1. How old were you when you contracted polio?
Contracted Polio when she was 6 years old, almost 7 when the epidemic was at its worst. Many family members had it.  The year was 1953 she went to Princess Elizabeth.

2. Was it paralytic polio? Did you have any permanent effects?
Yes, was in oxygen tank. Was in a bath with a broom that was across the tub and she could not hold on to the broom. She could feed herself. Her legs were weak and she could not walk. Was told that she would never walk again but she is now able to. She had to wear special shoes. She had to wear a corset all of the time to hold her back. Her arms were weak as well. The muscles in her body are hurting and are getting worse as she gets older and she is noticing that her head feels heavy as well as her lower back.

3. When were you diagnosed with post-polio syndrome?
Yes, in 1993. She had a blood vessel burst in her head. In the spring of 1993 she went to the doctor. The doctor then gave her information to read about post polio syndrome. She has a cane and a walker and a wheelchair after her second brain surgery.

4. What do you want people to know about post-polio syndrome?
Polio; it was not a lot of fun. She has been having headaches since the brain surgery and it doesn’t matter what you go through you have to deal with it. There is nothing you can do. 90% of the time there is pain and they say that they can’t do anything. She wishes there was a pill that she could take to make the pain go away. She is a firm believer in "use it or lose it." She is always tired. People made fun of her at work because she was always tired and it did not matter how much sleep she got. She is not sure what is worse; people making fun of her or the pain.  She wishes that people would tell all the companies about Polio.