March of Dimes Canada responds to the federal Throne Speech

October 06, 2020

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October 6, 2020 – Toronto – As Members of Parliament continue to debate the Speech from the Throne, March of Dimes Canada welcomes the significant new benefits and programs that have been proposed to support Canadians with disabilities – and joins others in our community in urging federal representatives to vote in favour of the Speech from the Throne.  

Drawing upon its 70 years of experience serving Canadians with disabilities, March of Dimes Canada is committed to working with Prime Minister Trudeau, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Hon. Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion Hon. Carla Qualtrough, members of Cabinet and all Members of Parliament to guide the development and implementation of the Disability Inclusion Plan, essential new programs such as the Canadian Disability Benefit and easier access to federal disability support programs. 

“We have long observed the inadequacy of nationwide benefits and services for Canadians with disabilities and their families – and more recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the gaps and added to the pressures they face,” said Leonard Baker, President and CEO. “Correctly designed and implemented, the measures announced in the Throne Speech hold significant potential to break this cycle, lifting people out of poverty and contributing to a more equitable, inclusive country.” 

It is essential that any new federal financial support for Canadians with disabilities is not clawed back by provincial disability support programs. March of Dimes Canada will advocate strongly for a new Canadian Disability Benefit that provides true economic sustainability for those we serve. 

In addition to the Disability Inclusion Canada Plan, March of Dimes Canada also calls on the federal government to apply a disability lens to other proposed policies and investments, in order to further enhance the independence and community participation of people with disabilities. As such, March of Dimes Canada is committed to working with the federal government to ensure that accessibility is a central consideration in federally-funded transit, housing and public space construction and retrofitting initiatives; and that the proposed 1 Million Jobs Plan is inclusive and prioritizes employment for Canadians with disabilities. 

“Canadians with disabilities deserve equitable and accessible federal programs and services that deliver on the vision of a fully inclusive Canada,” said Mr. Baker. “We are calling on all federal Members of Parliament to vote in favour of this Throne Speech.” 


For more information: 

Tina Siegel  
Public Relations Coordinator  

Jennifer Spencer 
Associate Director, Communications 