Virtual: Accessibility Services Appeals Committee (EST)

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The Opportunity 

Accessibility Services comprises of numerous provincial funding programs supporting children, adults, and seniors with disabilities across Canada. Many people with disabilities have homes and vehicles that are not well designed to meet their mobility needs. Because each person with a disability is unique, there isn't a one-size-fits-all accessibility solution.  

The Programs receive a large volume of applications for modifications, adaptations, and devices, however not all who apply are eligible for service. When a Service User disagrees with a Program decision, they may choose to request a formal review. The Programs are committed to a thorough and fair review process to ensure that nothing was overlooked during the initial review that resulted in the service denial. 

The Accessibility Services Appeals Committee Members assess and adjudicate non-legal Service User appeals regarding the eligibility of their application(s) for modifications, adaptations, and devices in accordance with organizational and stakeholder policies, procedures, and best practices.  The review is completed by a diverse, impartial, and trained volunteer panel who have the power to uphold or reverse certain MODC decisions. The volunteer plays an integral role in ensuring there is an equitable process for all Service Users. 

Location: Virtual (EST)
Time Commitment : Minimum one year commitment.  

Tasks and Responsilbilites:
  • Attend Virtual Committee Meetings (1-2 per year) and actively participates in preparation, discussion and decision making.  
  • Attend Virtual Training sessions (1 per year or as needed should Program guidelines change) 
  • Maintains an understanding of March of Dimes Canada’s Accessibility Services Programs, guidelines and eligibility criteria 
  • Review applications and supporting documents against eligibility and program metrics 
  • Render a final eligibility decision that upholds, overturns, or recommends alternative resolution to the original Program decision within set timelines.  
  • Communicate, sign and remit documentation regarding the final appeal decision to the Service User and Program staff involved in the appeal. 
  • Maintain regular communication with client (s): at minimum once a week via email, phone or in-person social event per month 

Knowledge, Skills and Expereince:
  • A post-secondary degree or diploma in social services or related area of study 
  • Previous experience with a funding program or social services program 
  • Lived experience considered an asset
  • Ability to listen actively, explain complex information clearly, and maintain open lines of communication in both verbal and written communication.  
  • Fluency in French is considered an asset 
  • Strong ability to assess service users’ needs, identify problems, and develop effective solutions. This involves critical thinking and the ability to analyze situations from various angles.
  • Cultural sensitivity and understanding of different backgrounds are vital to building trust and delivering effective service.  
  • Ability to work as a team and collaborate with others ensuring a holistic approach to adjudicating appeals. 
  • Flexible and able to deal with shifting circumstances and evolving needs.

For general inquiries, you can reach us at     

Please click here to apply.