Virtual: Hi, Tech! Support Coach



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The Opportunity:

The Hi, Tech! program empowers adults with disabilities across Canada to build their digital skills and become engaged in the digital world. With ever changing advancements in technology, it can be hard to keep up. The Hi, Tech! Support Coach provides individuals with remote assistance to understand, access and use their technology. The amount of support required and cadence of sessions will be based on the service users technology goals. Coach's can take on several matches lasting from 1 session to several weeks. You can read more about the program here.

Main Responsibilities

  • Contact match via their preferred method of communication and gain an understanding of their technology needs
  • Co-create goals and develop a learning plan to achieve them together
  • Use and share available tools and resources to assist the individual in their technology needs
  • Provide tech support as neeeded following program guidelines and boundaries
  • Take brief session notes 
  • Ensure proper logging of hours in Volgistics and keep Coordinator up to date on successes and challenges
Time Commitment: Minimum 6 month commitment 
Location:  Virtual 

Skills and Experience
  • 18 years of age and older
  • Basic tech saviness 
  • Access to a personal computer equipped with a camera and speaker/microphone as well as a stable internet connection (Zoom access will be provided) 
  • A quiet work environment to ensure privacy and no interruption/distraction 
  • Excellent communication skills: including patience and willingness to learn about various disabilities and barriers
