Donation Accountability

Donation Accountability

Where every dollar goes

Our goal is to enhance the independence and community participation of people with disabilities every day through a wide range of programs and services across Canada. 

Most of our programs and services are funded by the federal and provincial/territorial governments or through fees-for-service. However, we rely on support from the community to fund a number of innovative, vital programs in communities across Canada, including our After Stroke program. 

In keeping with our commitment to stewarding granted and donated funds responsibly and efficiently, of every dollar spent, $0.91 go to programs, with $0.07 covering administration and amortization, and $0.02 covering fundraising and donor acquisition. These numbers demonstrate the soundness of our management practices and the efficiency of our organization.

Operating Expenses

Pie chart of Operating Expenses 2022-2023

teal dotProgram expenses 
light green dotAdministration
yellow dotPhilanthropy
orange dot Amortization


Read our latest Annual Report or read our detailed consolidated financial reports for more information.

Message from our Treasurer

As a donor, I want to know my support makes a difference to children and adults with disabilities in my community and encourage you to do the same.  Be vigilant with your donation.  Read our newsletters, annual report, consolidated financial reports and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about how your donation is used.

I am proud to not only to be a volunteer and current treasurer of March of Dimes Canada, but I also believe strongly in ensuring your donation is used for the greatest good in our communities. Together we can all make a difference in the lives of Canadian children and adults with disabilities.

Alan Lipszyc
March of Dimes Canada

Programs that rely solely on the generous support of donors:

Assistive Devices Program
Offers funding for assistive and mobility devices such as wheelchairs, bath aids and more. This program, which operates only in Ontario, supplements the limited funding from other sources for assistive devices. 

Conductive Education®
It is a community –based learning program which combines special education and physical rehabilitation and teaches participants with motor difficulties how to improve their mobility and independence. The program is offered in Ontario, Nova Scotia and Alberta. 

Post-Polio Canada
Provides information and support groups for polio survivors, their families and caregivers across Canada. 

Recreation and Integration Program
Offers community participation through leisure activities, including accessible travel and residential holidays, and operates MODMobility®, an accessible transportation service in the Greater Toronto area for groups and organizations that have people with mobility challenges. 

After Stroke
Provides information, support groups, events and conferences for stroke survivors, their families and caregivers.

Questions or comments about donations? 

Please email or call 1-800-263-3463.​

Imagine Canada Trustmark
March of Dimes Canada is a member of Imagine Canada’s Standards Program. The Standards Program awards accreditation to charities and non-profits that demonstrate excellence in board governance, financial accountability and transparency, fundraising, staff management, and volunteer involvement. March of Dimes Canada is committed to ensuring responsible stewardship and accountability.