Mario Fagnan

Mario Fagnan

1. How old were you when you contracted polio?

Mario was 8 years old in 1963 in Quebec.

2. Was it paralytic polio? If so, did you have any permanent effects?
Mario needed a special apparatus to walk for his legs. When he was 16 he had to have an operation on his spine in order to help him walk.

3. When were you diagnosed with post-polio syndrome?
Mario first started showing symptoms of Post Polio in 1987. He noticed he had extreme fatigue. Mario cannot walk for long distances and has to use a cane. He is alright around the house but only for short periods.

4. What do you want people to know about post-polio syndrome?
Mario would like to see more promotion on Post Polio. Mario has shared his photos with Polio Canada. He has a photo that he donated that he thinks would be a good photo to use when doing the article. It is a picture of him with the equipment that he had to wear from his hips down to his ankles. His vehicle has also been updated. Mario has also donated some of his polio memories to "Le Musee Canadien de la Polio."

Mario Fagnan