Agnes Clutchey

1. How old were you when you contracted polio?
12 years old about a month before her 12th birthday, in September of 1937.

2. Was it paralytic polio? Did you have any permanent effects?
No she was not paralyzed. She had no calf on her leg, hammer toes. Her foot is now crooked.

3. When were you diagnosed with post-polio syndrome?
Yes she has heard of it. She used to be chronically tired. She heard from someone else who had Polio that there was such thing as Post Polio.

4. What do you want people to know about post-polio syndrome?
here were five people who had Polio at the same time in her area. One boy in her class died because the Polio got to his chest. Agnes started to feel ill at his funeral. She had a terrible headache the day before.