Muriel Bond

1. How old were you when you contracted polio? 
4 Years old in Cape Breton Island during the epidemic.

2. Was it paralytic polio? Did you have any permanent effects?
Left leg is an inch and a quarter shorter than the right one and the thickness of the leg is smaller as well. Believes that both of her legs were paralyzed but the right leg was better than the left. Left side is much weaker than the right side in general. She has had pain in her muscles for a while and chronic fatigue. She has troubles breathing. Muriel will be 68 in June. She used a cane but now she uses a walker.

3. When were you diagnosed with post-polio syndrome?
Yes she has. She was diagnosed about 3 or 4 years ago.

4. What do you want people to know about post-polio syndrome?
She has had a lot of difficulty doing anything. She has had trouble with her breathing and because of it she has problems with her heart. She has drop foot, when she is walking the foot will cause her to fall and as a result has to wear a brace.