> Choosing your social media platform

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There are lots of different social media platforms. If you’re new to using social media, or have only ever used it for personal reasons, how do you choose which platform to use when advocating? 
Not all platforms will be a good fit, so you’ll want to think about which ones you use, and for what. 

Here’s a quick guide to some of the main platforms: 

Facebook logo


  • What it’s good for…
    • Sharing written updates, photos, videos and links with family and friends
    • Connecting with communities of likeminded people in Facebook Groups

  • What it’s not so good for…
    • Connecting with people you’re not Facebook friends with (unless you’re in a Facebook Group together)
    • Many decision-makers will only use this platform for personal use

  • When to use it for advocacy:
    • Raising awareness about your issue with people you know
    • Asking for help from people you know
    • Connecting with others who care about your issue in a Facebook Group

  • Voice to use: Personal

Twitter logo


  • What it’s good for…
    • Sharing short, bite-sized messages
    • Having public conversations about trending topics and issues
    • Getting live information about events that are happening

  • What it’s not so good for…
    • Having nuanced conversations about complex issues

  • When to use it for advocacy:
    • Learning about different perspectives and experiences 
    • Creating public pressure on an issue
    • Reaching decision-makers directly
    • Identifying people or organizations who care about your cause

  • Voice to use: Depends on the context, but usually professional with a dash of personal and funny

Instagram logo


  • What it’s good for…
    • Sharing photos and short videos
    • Providing updates about daily life through Instagram Stories

  • What it’s not so good for…
    • Sharing written content, unless it’s a caption for an image or video
    • Many decision-makers will not be on this platform or will use it only for personal use

  • When to use it for advocacy:
    • When you want to engage your community on an issue using a creative format

  • Voice to use: Casual

LinkedIn logo


  • What it’s good for…
    • Sharing work-related updates
    • Building your professional network
    • Getting updates from businesses and organizations you’re interested in

  • What it’s not so good for…
    • Having conversations about personal issues

  • When to use it for advocacy:
    • Engaging your professional network in a conversation
    • Identifying people or organizations who care about your cause

  • Voice to use: Professional

YouTube logo


  • What it’s good for…
    • Sharing longer videos for educational or entertainment purposes

  • What it’s not so good for…
    • Having conversations or reaching decision-makers

  • When to use it for advocacy:
    • Learning about issues in detail
    • When you want to engage your community on an issue using a creative format

  • Voice to use: Depends on the context, but usually personal

TikTok logo


  • What it’s good for…
    • Creating short, entertaining videos
    • Getting live information about events that are happening

  • What it’s not so good for…
    • Most decision-makers won’t be on this platform

  • When to use it for advocacy:
    • Learning about issues in real-time
    • When you want to engage your community on an issue using a creative format

  • Voice to use: Very casual

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