Zachary Rayment

 Zachary Rayment
Zach was born over two months premature. At a few weeks old, an ultrasound showed PVL (Periventricular Leukomalacia), one of the signs that Cerebral Palsy was likely an issue, and at only 11 months of age he was officially diagnosed with a severe form of Cerebral Palsy, spastic quadriplegia. His parents were devastated to hear their child would likely never walk, talk or perform simple day-to-day tasks that the rest of us take for granted. They desperately needed to find a way to help Zach become functional and deal with the challenges to come.

Since starting the Conductive Education® (CE) program in January 2011, Zach has learned to spell his name, sit up without support, walk with a walker and even pedal a bike.

Zach's mom, Barb, says, "...CE is largely about confidence and independence for Zach. It's the attitude of the people at March of Dimes. They never once said, 'No, he can't, or he won't.' They truly want each child to reach their full potential. And they believe in our kids' capabilities just as much as we do."

Zachary Rayment's Story
Watch the story of how MODC Conductive Education has changed the life of Zachary Rayment and his family! ​​