Adele Temiseva

Adele Temiseva
Adele was diagnosed with hemiparesis syndrome as a baby in London, England. Her condition made it difficult for her to use her right hand and learn how to crawl. Once Adele took her first step, it was another year before she was walking independently.

When the family moved to Canada, they were worried about finding programs that would help Adele continue to progress. They wondered - “Now What?” To their relief they found out about our Conductive Education® Program.

Thanks to CE, and MODC’s wonderful Conductors, Adele is enjoying her first year in a regular junior kindergarten class. She’s worked hard at developing the skills she needs  to safely navigate the playground, master uneven surfaces, run, and jump. She even  goes up and down stairs – it’s something most of us take for granted, but represents an exciting milestone for Adele.

Adele’s parents say she’s thriving in CE – gaining confidence, becoming more social, making friends – and they’re
overjoyed. Adele’s hard work is paying off, as she moves towards a level of independence that her parents weren’t
sure was possible.

Most importantly, CE will be there for the rest of Adele’s life. She’ll be using the tools she’s learned, and learning new ones, to meet new challenges and reach new goals as she grows up. Whatever’s next, Adele will be ready with the support of her Conductors at March of Dimes Canada.