Personal Stories

​​We make a difference in the lives of thousands of people every year. Read what they have to say about March of Dimes Canada. ​

Catherine Bell

"Polio survivor, March of Dimes Canada Board Member and monthly donor, Catherine Bell, shares her story to help educate survivors, and to highlight the benefits of giving back."

Catherine Bell

Beth Robbins
"March of Dimes has given Ashleigh a profound sense of self and acceptance, of pride in who she is and of her abilities, and a joy of life beyond measure."

Beth Robbins

Andrea Luciani
"I never thought that someday I would grow up and live an independent life, despite my disability."

Andrea Luciani

Lara Kaufman

"Lara Kaufman was only 41 when she suffered a massive stroke. Today she "found her silver lining" as a volunteer for the Peer Fostering Hope stroke survivor program at MODC. "As a stroke survivor, I know how important a good support system can be in a successful recovery.""

Lara Kaufman

"Allen worked with the LIFE Toronto team to achieve more mobile independence and confidence to interact with others. "


Zachary Rayment
"Since starting the CE program in January 2011, Zach has learned to spell his name, sit up without support, walk with a walker and even pedal a bike. "

Zachary Rayment