Thomas Finucan

Thomas Finucan
Thomas lives with Down syndrome. He follows instructions well, and learns quickly, but still had trouble finding work after high school. Like most people in their early twenties, Thomas wanted to earn an  income so he could move into his own place, and he needed some help to get started.

Now what?” he wondered.

After volunteering at a local foodbank to gain some experience, Thomas came to March of Dimes Canada’s Employment Services where he met with Employment Client Coordinator, Everton White. 

Thomas had never had a job interview before, so Everton helped him hone his skills by practicing common interview
questions with him. Then he gave Thomas a list of the questions to take home so he could continue to practice.
This gave Thomas an idea of what to expect during an interview, and made him more confident and comfortable.

This allowed Thomas to present himself in the best possible light when Everton got him an interview at Goodlife Fitness.
Not only was this Thomas’ first job interview, it also fit perfectly with his interest in fitness, sports, and working out at the gym. 

We’re very happy to report that Thomas did so well in his interview that he was offered the job on the spot. He describes it as “the best day of my life so far.” A year later, Thomas is still working at Goodlife, working the front desk, scanning guest cards, putting away equipment, cleaning yoga mats, and fulfilling other responsibilities as they come up.

“I’m still enjoying it,” says Thomas. “It’s fun, and there’s lots to do.