Aphasia is a communicative disorder that often results from a stroke or other brain injury. It can be an overwhelming diagnosis, but the information provided will give you an idea of what to expect. Whether you’re living with aphasia, a caregiver, or a health-care professional, you need to start with the facts.

What is Aphasia?
A brain injury, such as a stroke, can damage the left side of the brain. This damage can cause aphasia.
If you have aphasia, it may be hard to:
| understand speech
| read
| write
People with aphasia are intelligent and know what they want to say
People with aphasia, often have other communication problems, such as:
Weak speech muscles make speech sound slushy. -
Apraxia of Speech:
Problems making the movements needed for speech such as:
- starting the movement
- planning the movement
- getting the movements in the right order
Click here to watch the short video series "Voices of Aphasia" from the National Aphasia Association on their YouTube channel.