> Meeting invitations list

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Once you’ve identified your meeting plan, you can determine who should attend. Here are some questions you can ask:
  • Decision-maker: Based on your knowledge, which decision-maker will be able to give you the information you’re looking for? Who will have the authority to make the changes you’re requesting?
    • Note: If you don’t have access to the decision-maker with authority to begin with, you can meet with someone more junior first. In the meeting, your request to them can be that they help you secure a meeting with the ultimate decision-maker.

  • Other attendees: Next, consider who else should be present with you:
    • Is there someone within the decision-maker’s organization who is sympathetic to your cause?
    • Are there others who are experiencing the same issue as you, who would add additional weight to your proposal?
    • Is there a family member, friend or ally who can accompany you for moral support and back-up?

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Next: Requesting a meeting (Section 27 of 43)