The Alliance for an Inclusive and Accessible Canada

The Alliance for an Inclusive and Accessible Canada

All Abilities Together

The Alliance for and Inclusive and Accessible Canada ( the Alliance) is a group of disability organizations that have been consulting Canadians about the proposed federal accessibility law. March of Dimes Canada, as a founding member, with 11 other member organizations and four partner organizations from Canada’s disability community have committed to helping the government of Canada ensure that we can help to create an Accessible Canada for all.

The Government of Canada has committed to adopting a strong federal accessibility law to remove and prevent barriers facing people with disabilities. The new federal accessibility law will cover areas that are under the power of the federal government. This includes railways, airlines, banks, postal services, radio and telecommunications, employment insurance (EI), immigration, Aboriginal lands and rights, the military and criminal law.

The Alliance want to hear from Canadians with disabilities, their families and caregivers and also from other stakeholders such as service providers, unions, industry representatives and associations and have been collecting Canadians comments, concerns and suggestions about this new law through online surveys, public sessions across the country, online and telephone discussion groups. They want to know what accessibility issues continue creating barriers in Canada, and how they could be addressed through the law.

The Alliance is committed to inclusion and accessibility throughout this process and have been consulting Canadians since February 2017 and will continue their commitment until March 2018. Updates on these nationwide consultations will be provided when available.

To read more about the alliance (french version is available) and for a full list of member and partner organizations please visit:​​