Election Kit: How to Talk to All Candidates about the Canada Disability Benefit

About this Election Kit

A federal election is coming up on September 20, 2021

The Canada Disability Benefit is a proposed federal benefit for working age adults with disabilities, with the goal of addressing inequities and reducing poverty. First announced in September 2020, the current government committed to developing the Canada Disability Benefit within the next three years.

Right now, the Canada Disability Benefit is just an idea. We need the next Government of Canada to make it a reality. 

During the campaign period, there are lots of opportunities to talk to the candidates who are running for office in your riding. Candidates might call you or come to your door when canvassing for support. You may also attend an all-candidates meeting in your community.

You can use this Election Kit to learn more about the Canada Disability Benefit and key talking points for speaking with candidates. 

Questions to ask candidates:

  1. If you are elected, will you commit to supporting the Canada Disability Benefit?
  2. How will you address inequities for people with disabilities in our community and across Canada?

Key Talking Points

If you’re speaking with a candidate at your front door, at an all-candidates meeting or debate, or just run into them on the street, here are some key talking points you can use:
  • Please commit to creating the Canada Disability Benefit to end disability poverty.
  • The Canada Disability Benefit, when combined with existing benefits and supports, should provide a basic, livable income.
  • People with disabilities should receive the full Canada Disability Benefit without reductions to their existing benefits.

Why the Canada Disability Benefit Matters:

  • People with disabilities in Canada are twice as likely to live in poverty than those without a disability.1
  • Persons with a disability make up 41 per cent of the low‑income population in Canada.2
  • People with disabilities are more likely to live in poverty because of systemic discrimination, lack of access to employment, and the high cost of living with a disability.
If designed well, the Canada Disability Benefit has the potential to end disability poverty.

In June 2021, the Liberal government introduced Bill C-35, the Canada Disability Benefit Act, to start the process of creating the new benefit.3 We need to build on this momentum and ask the next government to continue moving it forward.

How would the Canada Disability Benefit work?
Right now, there aren’t a lot of details available, such as the specific amount or who would be eligible. What we do know is that the benefit is supposed to layer on top of existing benefits and supports, not replace them. The goal is to lift people with disabilities out of poverty, not just replace one benefit with another one. 

Report Back to Us!

We need your help to track candidates’ commitments and positions on issues impacting our community! If you use this kit to speak with a candidate, share the info with us using our quick Report Back Tool.


1 Wall, K. Low income among persons with a disability in Canada. Statistics Canada, 2017. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/75-006-x/2017001/article/54854-eng.htm
2 Ibid.
3 Employment and Social Development Canada. Government of Canada introduces legislation to create the new Canada Disability Benefit. June 22, 2021. https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/news/2021/06/000754---tabling-of-cdb-legislation.html