Ontario Brain Injury Housing Programs

March of Dimes Canada provides supportive housing programs on a fee-for-service basis, as well as on a funded basis for Ontario residents who qualify. Our job is to help you work toward real-life, functional goals that you set for yourself to gain greater independence and enjoyment in your surroundings. 

Under a supportive housing program, you live independently – either in a group home (called “congregate living”, where you have your private bedroom, but share common spaces with your “room mates”) or in a supported apartment complex. 

Both housing options combine the privacy of individual units with a community of peers. Personal care services, rehabilitation services and on-site staff are provided, and you are encouraged to connect with your neighbours and participate in the supportive community around you.

A team of highly qualified, on-site staff work with regulated healthcare professionals to provide service in the areas of:
  • Medical Professionals/Specialists
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Psychology
  • Speech-Language Pathology

Staff provide support to address your unique rehabilitation goals, including: 
  • Activities of Daily Living
  • Behavioural/Emotional Management
  • Cognitive Remediation
  • Education reintegration 
  • Family education 
  • Financial Management
  • Physical Therapy
  • Recreation and Leisure 
  • Social Networking
  • Vocational reintegration

Contact us for more Information

March of Dimes Canada Brain Injury Services
Toll free: 1-800-263-3463