ACDP Placement Opportunities

The Aphasia and Communication Disabilities Program supports the education and training of future healthcare professionals by providing regular practicum experiences for students in university and college programs. Students work alongside and under the supervision of our program staff

Students lend new insights and fresh perspectives to our programs. In turn, those students have an opportunity to gain practical experience and broaden their knowledge of aphasia and related communication disabilities.

Our programs have been pleased to provide frequent, ongoing placement opportunities to students from:
  • Speech Language Pathology (S.L.P.) Masters programs at the University of Toronto & the University of Western Ontario
  • Communicative Disorders Programs (C.D.A.) post-degree programs at Georgian College, Barrie and Durham College, Oshawa
  • Art Therapy program at the Toronto Art Therapy Institute
  • Social Service Work (S.S.W.) diploma program at Seneca College
**As well as ongoing opportunities for students from medicine, nursing, recreation therapy, gerontology, art, music, film and many other disciplines to learn how to communicate with adults living with aphasia/communication disabilities.

We also provide SLP and CDA student mentorship opportunities.

“At (ACDP) I had the opportunity to participate and develop materials for various program components. This programming further improved my skills in developing aphasia-friendly materials and in understanding the benefits of mutual aid. I have really enjoyed the opportunity to go on home intake visits and they have given me a chance to better understand the program, as well as the assessment process.”
- ACDP Placement Student

For more information on placement opportunities please contact:

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