Informed by our community’s voices and perspectives, March of Dimes Canada provides input to governments across Canada, advocating for greater equity and inclusion for people with disabilities. Read below for our advocacy reports, statements and public submissions at the federal and provincial levels.
Current Advocacy Campaigns You can have a say in building an inclusive, barrier-free society. Participate in our campaigns and tell your elected officials, candidates and other decision-makers to create real change for people with disabilities.
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Federally, March of Dimes Canada advocates for financial empowerment and accessibility for all people with disabilities across Canada. The federal government is responsible for issues of national importance, such as income security, setting national accessibility standards and investing in employment and housing.
Statements & Releases
At the provincial level, March of Dimes Canada also advocates to advance financial security and accessibility, in addition to expanding services that enable people with disabilities to be independent at home and active in their communities. Provinces are responsible for the delivery of programs and services, providing social assistance and implementing many federally funded initiatives.
Statements & Releases