Pre-Budget Submission for the 2022 Federal Budget

Canadian Parliament Building
February 25, 2022

As a leading resource, advocate and service provider for Canadians with disabilities, March of Dimes Canada shared ideas and insights for the 2022 Federal Budget, reflecting on how we can build a more equitable and inclusive Canada. 

Our submission focused on two key priorities:
  1. Financial security for people with disabilities. March of Dimes Canada is asking the federal government to invest in initiatives that advance financial security and reduce poverty for people with disabilities, enabling them to not just survive but thrive. First, we asked that they prioritize the Canada Disability Benefit (CDB) to end the cycle of poverty and invest in a highest standard of delivery and access for the CDB and all federal disability benefits. Second, asked the federal government to ensure equitable, accessible employment opportunities for Canadians with disabilities by increasing federal funding for employment services.

  2. Supporting independence at home and in the community. March of Dimes Canada is also requesting federal funding to develop a program which provides Canadians with disabilities and seniors the means to modify their homes and/or vehicles so they can remain safe, independent and connected in their homes and communities.

To learn more about March of Dimes Canada’s budget asks, read the full submission.