Take Action Today for Financial Security

Elections are the time when politicians listen the closest to the people they want to represent. The provincial election on June 2nd means that right now is our opportunity to be heard.

​Ask your candidates to say no to social assistance claw backs, to work with the federal government on the Canada Disability Benefit, and to increase ODSP rates and the earned income threshold.

For far too long, living with a disability in Ontario has meant just scraping by. ODSP doesn’t keep up with the cost of living. Claw backs happen. Earned income thresholds are often too low.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Right now, together, let’s take this opportunity and be heard.

Use this tool to directly e-mail the candidates in your riding. Tell them that your vote depends on their commitment to improving the financial security of people with disabilities:

  • Give Ontarians the full Canada Disability Benefit without any claw backs
  • Raise ODSP rates to meet the rising cost of living
  • Increase the earned income threshold for ODSP so more people with disabilities can work without the threat of financial loss

You can personalize your message by editing it to say how and why this is personal and important for you. Your message will then be automatically emailed to the candidates who want to represent you.

Message by message, step by step, together we can march forward for all Ontarians with disabilities.

This campaign is now closed. Thank you to everyone who added their voices to speak up for people with disabilities to thrive in Ontario. Thanks to you, we reached candidates in ridings across the province, asking them to commit to financial security, independence and connectedness.