Statement on Toronto City Council decision to uphold the ban on e-scooters
May 10, 2021 – Toronto, ON – On May 5, 2021, City Council chose not to move forward with an e-scooter pilot project and to instead enforce the existing prohibition on e-scooters. March of Dimes Canada celebrates Toronto City Council’s unanimous decision to uphold the e-scooter ban.
With this decision, we extend our congratulations to the organizations and community advocates who, alongside March of Dimes Canada, raised their voices to educate Council on the serious safety and accessibility risks for people with disabilities and all pedestrians. For the past year, our community and partners spoke out against the hazards posed by e-scooters – writing letters, requesting meetings and giving deputations. We are grateful to Mayor Tory and City Council for heeding the voices of the disability community and saying no to introducing another accessibility barrier on our streets.
We also commend the work of city staff in the Transportation Services division, with special recognition for Janet Lo, Senior Project Manager. Staff were diligent and consultative in engaging stakeholders, resulting in a well-researched staff report to Council that thoroughly captured the concerns of the community.
As Canada’s largest city and Ontario’s capital, we hope that the City of Toronto’s decision will serve as an example for other municipalities that are considering allowing e-scooters on their streets. March of Dimes Canada will continue to advocate for equity and accessibility for all, alongside members of our community.
Leonard Baker
President & CEO
March of Dimes Canada